Occasionally, the Estes Park Rotary Duck Race Festival Committee receives a request to prepare a list of selected names of people who have adopted ducks for the upcoming Duck Race. Typically, these requests come from the participating charitable Organizations who wish to use the list to thank the people who have purchased a duck adoption through their Organization’s efforts. The Organization wishes to thank them for their donation. However, the Estes Park Duck Race does not give out such information. In fact, the Privacy Policy on the website clearly states: “The Estes Park Duck Race does not rent or give its mailing list to other nonprofits, funders, and vendors”.
Since its inception in 1989, we have adhered to this policy as one way of helping to ensure the privacy and security of our participants. We have always worked very hard to keep everyone’s trust in the Duck Race and, indeed, this policy has become very relevant in the current world. One need only look to the recent Facebook/Cambridge Analytics events to understand why we have always felt the highest priorities should be to our participant’s security and privacy.
While we congratulate the Organizations who wish to thank their donors, we have determined that the higher priority is to our duck adopter’s privacy. If an Organization does want to thank their donors, they are free to maintain their own list of Adoption sales.
We encourage you to think about this issue and respond to this blog with your thoughts.
by Don Widrig
Duck Central