Volunteer Assignment Instructions

Set Up/Tear Down:  This will include putting up tents, unloading boxes, set up tables and chairs, putting up signs, etc. 

We will see you on May 4th at 9:00 AM. After set up is done you can go off and explore the event or go to your next assigned role. Tear down will happen some time between 3PM and 4PM. Check in at the volunteer information table located at Riverside Plaza. 

River Patrol. This will include standing on the outskirts of the river and pushing ducks along so they make it to the finish line!  

On May 4th we ask that you arrive between 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM for check in at Performance Park. There you will get your tools and zone assignments.

River Patrol Check In. This will include checking in our river patrol, deputy, and sweeper volunteers. 

Please arrive on May 4th at 11:45 AM at Performance Park for check in and instructions. Check in will be done at the volunteer information table located at Riverside Plaza.

River Deputy. This will include standing on the outskirts of the river and helping our river patrol zones be managed!   

On May 4th we ask that you arrive between 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM for check in at Performance Park. There you will get your tools and zone assignment.

Merchandising. This will include selling Duck Race Merchandise. There will be two different shifts available we need two people for each shift. 

On May 4th there is the first shift from 10:15 AM – 1:15 PM. The second shift from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Check in will be done at the volunteer information table located at Riverside Plaza.

Truck Transporter. This will include driving our river equipment from our storage locker to performance park!  

On May 4th we ask that you arrive at 11:00 AM at 1210 Woodstock Ave, Estes Park, Colorado 80517. I will meet you there and load up the truck for you.