2024 Kickoff Meeting

We will launch the season for the Rotary Duck Race Festival with a live kickoff meeting at the Ridgeline Hotel on Thursday February 29th from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. There will be pizza to eat and informal time to visit from 5:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.  Then we will get down to business promptly at 5:30 p.m. During the meeting we’ll review the process for selling adoptions so you can get your fundraising started.  All adoptions will be sold online, to enable sales using cell phones, iPads and computers. QR codes will be on printed materials to make accessing the website easier.  All will be explained at the Kickoff Meeting, so please be sure to attend.  After the meeting, we will activate the Duck Race website at and will begin online Duck Adoption sales.

We are also requiring each organization to provide one adult volunteer to help with the race. This volunteer could work either before the race or on race day, however most volunteers are needed on race day. Volunteer signup will be handled online in the same way the applications were submitted. Once you know who your volunteer will be, click here to fill out the volunteer form. If you have more than one volunteer, please fill out a form for each volunteer.  Please submit this form to us as soon as possible, but at least by the February 29 kickoff meeting. Our volunteer coordinator, Andrea Escorcia, will follow up with volunteers to schedule a work slot. We will try, but cannot guarantee, to honor requests for specific job assignments.  The volunteer does not need to be a member of your organization.  They just need to be available when we need them.

We will also continue our social media campaign.  Based on your applications we will prepare a brief Facebook post to publicize each organization and how you plan to use the funds raised by the race. We also will continue the e-mail blasts to previous Duck Adoption purchasers to encourage them to support you this year.

It is imperative that you or a representative is present at the Kickoff Meeting. Feel free to contact us with questions, comments, or concerns. We’re ready to help you with publicity efforts or anything else you may need to generate sales. If after Kickoff Night you need help with how to do online sales, we will provide a live person to help you.

Mark your calendars for 5:00 p.m. Thursday February 29th, for the Kickoff meeting at the Ridgeline Hotel.  A reminder e-mail will be sent about the middle of next month. We look forward to seeing you there.

Larry Williams
Participating Organization Chair