Kickoff Meeting

It’s Duck Race Festival Time!
Kickoff Night Information

Quack! Yes, it’s that time of year again. The Estes Park Rotary Duck Race Festival is upon us!

We had a great Duck Race Festival last year, with over $162,000 distributed to worthy organizations. More than 350 prizes were awarded including an $8,000.00 first place prize. We hope you had as much fun as we did, and we look forward to your participation in this year’s 35th Annual Race. 

We will launch the season for the 2023 Estes Park Duck Race Festival with our live kick-off meeting Thursday, February 23rd from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. You may attend one of two ways:

  • In-person at the Ridgeline Hotel in room Salon F
  • Virtually via Zoom using this link, just prior to the meeting start: 

The meeting will begin at 5:00pm with pizza and conversation. The business agenda for the meeting will begin at 5:30pm and include:

  • Introductions & Welcome
  • Mayoral Proclamation & Remarks
  • Race Summary and Changes for 2023
  • Online Sales Information
  • Volunteers
  • Publicity

Following the meeting, we will activate the Duck Race website at and will commence taking online Duck Adoption sales.

Volunteers. Consistent with last year, every participating organization must provide at least one volunteer in order to be eligible to participate in the following year’s event. This volunteer could work either before the race or on race day, however, most will be doing “river patrol,” helping the ducks out of the muck.  Please click here to fill out the online form to identify your volunteer and their preference for duty assignment. If you have more than one volunteer, please fill out a form for each volunteer. This form identifies all volunteer options. Volunteers do not need to be a staff or board member…anyone who supports your mission is welcome. It will really help out if you can complete the form by February 21, 2023, however, the absolute deadline for completing the form is March 15, 2023. Any questions can be sent to Karen at

Publicity. We will also continue our social media campaign.  In cooperation with Visit Estes Park, we will prepare brief Facebook posts to publicize each organization and how you plan to use the funds raised by the race based on the information you submitted in your application to participate in the 2023 Duck Race. We also will continue the e-mail blasts to previous Duck Adoption purchasers to encourage them to support you this year.

We’re here to help. Feel free to contact us at with questions, comments, concerns, your publicity efforts or anything else you may need to generate sales.

It is imperative that your organization have a representative in attendance at the Kickoff meeting – either in-person or online. Mark your calendars for 5:30 p.m. Thursday February 23rd, for the Kickoff Meeting at the Ridgeline Hotel.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Larry Williams
Participating Organization Chair
Rotary Club of Estes Park

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